Monday, May 26, 2014

Spring dance recital 2014

TDC Spring Dance recital. We sure do love TDC and are proud to be a tiny part of it. Amazing people run that place. We are so lucky to have such a high quality dance company in our small area of the globe. Logan's Boys Hip Hop group did so good! Pretty cool routine! My camera doesn't take action shots very well...but here's what we got. Those boys always get some of the best applause and cheers....they are just so fun to watch and the only all-boys group. Ellie has LOVED this ballet routine, and said today she wishes they could still do that dance every week! It was a Lion King song, The Stampede...hence the wild animal costumes. Her favorite part, of course, was her "crowd surfing" moment....I did catch a pic of her as she fell back onto the dancers. Fun stuff! Also love it that SO many people we know and love are also a part of TDC. Some of my little kinder kids performed and they get SO excited that their teacher is there! Love seeing all the ward and school friends and acquaintances in the audience and their amazing kids dancing all the different forms of dance.....The Ballroom group is the bomb! It all just makes me smile! Thanks TDC!

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