Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Day / Part 2

Christmas afternoon Dalynn, Devarie, and Darla joined us! We were so excited to have them come for part of our Christmas Day! We had Christmas dinner together. The regular...ham, potatoes, green bean casserole, rolls, etc. Then we were off in search of good ice. The day was gorgeous!!

The people were gorgeous! Man, we love uncle Devin!

Darin's little sisters are gorgeous! 

The ice....maybe not so gorgeous. But good enough!

Our first try was at one of the hazard ponds on the golf course, just across the street from our school. 

Next we tried the lake at the dock area.
These pics are funny to me....putting on skates wherever you can, and then Logan and Ellie being carried to the lake so they don't have to take their skates off and put them on again. 

The lake was really frozen. A little bumpy from thawing and refreezing earlier in the week. 
Devin pulled out the hockey sticks and they were all ready to play. Only.....he forgot the puck. No problem. They used Devin's wallet as a hockey puck! Worked great until credit cards started flying out!
The sun went down and it got mighty chilly mighty quick. Loved being outside for a little while Christmas afternoon with Darin's siblings. They all headed home that evening, and we were left to bask in the after-Christmasness that is so sweet! Wrappings and gifts all over the place, snuggling up on the couch for a nap or a movie, nibbling on leftovers, the tree lights twinkling....and our little family of four cozy in our happy home. Aahhhh....Merry Christmas!!

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