Sunday, January 26, 2014

Jordan World Circus 2014

I think this is the fourth year we have attended The Jordan World Cirrus. It's a smaller, traveling circus that comes to our county once a year. Somehow this year it wasn't quite as amazing as in years past. There were different people running the show, and they left out some of the best acts. But no matter. We had a great time and this time was super fun because we went with the Grgich family! 
Logan and Ellie love the three little Grgich kids! We also ran into some friends from school. This is Hannah. Her mom also works at the school, so Ellie gets to play with her often.
The most fun part of the circus was watching the reaction from the kids!
And this was my favorite act.....Natalie trying to reenact the hula-hoop dancers!
 May all your days be circus days!!

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